Category Archives: Envoy

Are you ready for a fight?

Sisters and Brothers,

As we march forward to the ballot boxes for this year’s midterm election, we CANNOT forget our union sisters and brothers whose livelihoods are on the line. Their future depends on the decisions that politicians make to … Read the rest “Are you ready for a fight?”

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Envoy Bargaining Update

Our CWA bargaining committee met with the Envoy bargaining committee on July 27 and passed proposals on Scope, which included job descriptions for each existing title.

We had important discussions about who is covered in the agreement as well as … Read the rest “Envoy Bargaining Update”

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Corporate CEOs Got the Money, Now We Want the Jobs

Remember those big promises that President Trump and the Republican Congress made about their corporate tax bill? President Trump said every worker would receive a whopping $4,000 raise if the bill passed. Corporations made promises, too. AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson … Read the rest “Corporate CEOs Got the Money, Now We Want the Jobs”

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