We are receiving a number of inquiries regarding the checks that AT&T employees are receiving from the company.

Several employees have filed lawsuits against the company, citing a variety of claims.

From what we know, there are two letters that have gone out; one regarding employee David Meza vs. AT&T and another letter which references 4 lawsuits. 

The gist is, if you cash the check, then you are no longer part of “the class”  (for any of the class action lawsuits cited in the letter) and are ineligible for whatever the final amount of the official settlement is – which may or may not be more than the check you received.  AT&T is sending out the checks trying to get folks to settle, so they may be trying to lowball employees to mitigate their ultimate loss.  It’s up to the employee to determine what is best for them. 

Here’s what our union higher ups at CWA District 9 sent out to the local presidents

Good afternoon Presidents,

Update from Rosenfeld (CWA’s legal counsel) regarding the class action lawsuits…

It has come to our attention that some of the attorneys associated with the pending cases were not aware Pacific Bell (AT&T) sent employees a settlement offer until they received multiple inquiries.

We strongly urge you to contact the associated attorneys before making a decision so you may hear their position regarding the case(s).  The letters contain their contact information.

Note: If you sign/cash the check you are waiving your rights to future claims associated with the case(s). 

Local 9003 also recommends that you contact the attorneys for more information.  This is time sensitive, so make sure to pay attention to the cutoff deadline date in making your decision.

If you have any questions, please contact the local at 818-845-9003.

In Unity,

CWA 9003 Leadership

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