On Strike! 3 Ways to Support The Strike Today

Call Center Workers United

Sisters and Brothers,

My name is Adiel Betancourt and today I went on strike for the first time. I was recently hired at Maximus as a Customer Service Representative in Net Park, FL. I love having the ability to help so many Americans access healthcare through the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Medicare. Despite taking up to 100 calls per day and sometimes dealing with abusive callers, the work is rewarding. Regardless of how hard we work, Maximus refuses to reward our work with a living wage or even provide us with the affordable healthcare we work so hard to provide for others.

So today, I’m joining hundreds of my co-workers on strike! Will you support our strike today Ryan?

  1. Share about our strike: Facebook here, Instagram here & Twitter here

  2. Email Biden administration decision-makers calling on them to investigate Maximus’ employment practices

  3. Click here to register for our press conference with CWA President Cummings and Stacey Abrams at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT to find out what’s next for our campaign.

I’m striking because I know Maximus can pay us a living wage of $25 an hour to support ourselves and our families – especially when the CEO, Bruce Caswell, is paid 161 times what we make.

Click here to take action:

  1. Share about our strike: Facebook here, Instagram here & Twitter here

  2. Email Biden administration decision-makers calling on them to investigate Maximus’ employment practices

  3. Click here to register for our press conference with CWA President Cummings and Stacey Abrams at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT to find out what’s next for our campaign

In Solidarity,

Adiel Betancourt
Tampa, FL

Call Center Workers United

Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC.

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