Are you ready for a fight?

Sisters and Brothers,

As we march forward to the ballot boxes for this year’s midterm election, we CANNOT forget our union sisters and brothers whose livelihoods are on the line. Their future depends on the decisions that politicians make to either stand with or against working families. Literally, politics is about paychecks. Here are just a few examples of this throughout the Trump administration:

  • Judges appointed to the supreme court that will rule against working people’s interests (Janus v. AFSCME and Neil Gorsuch’s atrocious record on ruling against workers)
  • Trump’s GOP tax scam that hurts the ability for workers to prosper and retire with dignity while instead increasing corporate profits and CEO bonuses

We must stand strong and support elected officials who are committed to fighting against corporate interests and the 1-percent. We must stand with Labor champions, like Senator Sherrod Brown. Sherrod stood with us during our fight against the TPP (that bad corporate trade deal that sought to offshore hundreds of thousands of good-paying American jobs), personally co-sponsored our federal call center legislation into the U.S. Senate to keep our jobs here in America, and has supported us through our tough contract negotiations with AT&T, Piedmont, and Envoy.

Sisters and brothers, I ask that you share this video with as many folks as possible so that our union family knows that we can have real, pro-worker champions in elected office. WE, the working people, must fight every day to push back on the lies that THEY — the 1-percent and greedy corporate fat cats — tell to divide us and reap all the profits. In this election, it’s us vs. them.

Us Vs. Them — A Short Film by CWA

In Solidarity,

CWA President Chris Shelton

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