Your Union Bargaining Team met with the Company on Tuesday September 11 and Wednesday September 12, 2018.  We are pleased to announce that we have reached Tentative Agreements on 11 items. These include:

      • Agreement– Identifies unit covered by Agreement
      • Recognition– Identifies CWA as the sole bargaining agent
      • Non-Discrimination– Prevents discrimination based on marginalized groups
      • Health and Safety– Creates guidelines for maintaining a safe work environment
      • Hours and Overtime– Defines what is considered full/part time and overtime hours
      • Shop Stewards/Authorized Union Representatives–  Identifies usage and treatment of stewards
      • Successorship– Creates safety net in the event another company takes over
      • Union Visitation– Guidelines for Union to visit location
      • Time off to Vote
      • Military Leave
      • FMLA

Both the Union and the Company presented additional proposals and counter proposals and will meet again at our next bargaining session on October 3-4, 2018.

Make sure to wear your buttons to show support for your bargaining team! Together we can win a fair contract!

Your Bargaining Team,

Pandora Allen, Local 9003 Secretary-Treasurer
Wynter Hawk, Local 9003 Organizer
Carlos Quiles, Local 9003 Member

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