AT&T Midwest and AT&T Legacy T

As part of their “Promises Broken” pickup tour, Good Jobs Nation held an event in Warren, Ohio, featuring CWA members at AT&T who are fighting back against the offshoring of U.S. jobs. The pickup tour’s goal is to raise public awareness on how, despite his campaign promises, the offshoring of American jobs by U.S. corporations has increased to record levels on President Trump’s watch.  

At the event, Mike Sullivan, a member of CWA Local 4320 who works at an AT&T call center in Youngstown, said that his union job is one of the few good jobs in his community, and explained how AT&T’s offshoring and outsourcing is harming the company’s quality of service, mentioning that he often hears from customers frustrated with the company’s offshoring practices.

“So far this year in 2018, AT&T has made over $10 billion in profit, and they’re expecting billions more with the tax breaks they receive, and nearly a billion dollars in federal contracts. But still, they close so many of our call centers and outsource our work,” said Sullivan. “The bottom line is, if my taxpayer dollars are going to line their pockets, they need to be held accountable, and they can’t be allowed to keep sending our jobs overseas. We need those good jobs here to support our families and communities, and we need them now – not later.”

Read more about the event here.

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