AT&T Legacy T – Bargaining Report #92

The Bargaining team had full intentions of meeting with the company today, however as we continued our healthcare research, we came up with more questions and concerns with the methodology the company was calculating the premiums with. The Union committee spent the day in consultation with research and our actuaries discussing the impacts of each component change. We will not rush this process, it’s is very complex and has a lot of moving parts. Once we have all our questions answered and we run a new model we will bring the company into continue our healthcare conversations.

This report is going out to keep you apprised however we will continue to work into the evening to prepare for tomorrows session.

We are scheduled to meet with the company Saturday morning.

Your Bargaining Committee,

Lisa Bolton
Ken Seather
Mary Ellen Mazzeo
Roy Hegenbart
LaNell Piercy
Cindy Neumeyer
Mike Lewis

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