AT&T’s Outrageous California Layoffs

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson made big promises to create jobs and invest in our communities if Congress passed a big tax cut for corporations.

But instead of creating jobs, AT&T has cut over 20,000 employees since the Tax Cut and Jobs Act passed. And now the company just announced that they are laying off another 368 CWA techs right here in California.
We know there is plenty of work to do to provide high-quality service to AT&T’s customers. The company has sent thousands of jobs to low-wage contractors and overseas. It could bring that work back in house instead of cutting union jobs.
AT&T’s tax cut was a staggering $21 billion! What are they doing with all that money?

It’s time for Congress to launch an investigation to find out what happened to the billions of dollars of OUR money that they gave away to AT&T and other corporations that are cutting jobs.
Please join me in holding AT&T accountable by clicking the link below.  It only takes a couple of minutes to fill out your information and make your voice heard!
Click here to tell your members of Congress to investigate AT&T.  

In Unity,
Liz Sorenson, Area/Political Director
CWA District 9

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