A Message From the 9003 Election Supervisor


All Concerning,

I, Phoenix Beausoleil have been appointed Election Supervisor and have the authority and responsibility for implementing all aspects of the supervised election. Since the campaign period is about to begin, I want to take this opportunity to advise you of certain restrictions on the use of union and employers funds for campaign purposes. Specifically, Section 401(g) of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended, prohibits the use of union and employer funds to promote the candidacy of any person in the union officer election. This prohibition extends to equipment, vehicles, office supplies, records, and personnel of the CWA and any other labor organization and to employers, whether or not they employ CWA members.

Candidates and supporters may not affix any campaign material to any part of the employers’ or CWA’s property, including bulletin boards. Campaign materials may not be left in the cafeteria and break room tables, counters, chairs, etc. Candidates and supporters are prohibited from campaigning on the work floor but can distribute campaign literature outside the facilities’ property line. No union facilities, equipment, stationeries, supplies, or seal and insignia of the CWA or any local modification may be used to further any candidacy.

I am notifying all CWA Local 9003 members this legal prohibition to make them fully aware of the extent of the campaign restrictions so that any potential problems can be avoided. If you have any questions, please call me at (213) 891-6968.

Your cooperation is appreciated.


Phoenix Beausoleil

Election Supervisor

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