CWA District 9 Union Hall Meeting

AT&T recently announced it is laying off 368 technicians represented by CWA in California.

On Monday, May 20th at 7:00 PM PST, CWA District 9 will host a virtual union hall meeting regarding our opposition to the announced layoffs at AT&T.

We’ll hear from CWA President Chris Shelton, California Secretary of Labor Julie Su, Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation Art Pulaski, and other elected and labor leaders about protecting good jobs in California and our fight to get help for laid off workers.

RSVP now to join the call on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 PM PT:

AT&T has eliminated 23,328 jobs since the Tax Cut and Jobs Act passed in late 2017, including nearly 6,000 in the first quarter of 2019, and CWA contracts  with the Midwest and Legacy T units expired over a year ago. We know that AT&T has a history of constructive labor relations, but its insistence on eliminating long-term employees to reduce costs is undermining our trust.

Mobilization takes every one of us. Please join the call on Monday at 7 PM PST to hear what’s happening and what we need to win this fight!

In solidarity,

CWA District 9 Legislative and Political Program

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