Action Alert!  Support AB 1677 (Call Center Bill),Tell your Senator to vote YES on AB 1677!

Thank you so much to all of you that have participated in committee hearings, made calls and sent emails. All your hard work is the reason AB 1677 (The Call Center Bill) has passed out of so many committees.  As you know, AB 1677 would deny State grants, State-guaranteed loans, or tax credits for 5 years to any company that relocates 30 percent or more of their call center work to another country.

AB 1677 will be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee at 10:00am on Monday, August 12th! Please call your state Senator now and tell them to vote YES on AB 1677!

Here’s a list of the committee members that need to hear from you.  Even if you’re not a constituent, please make a call to these committee members.

Portantino (Chair)                                              (916) 651-4025

Senator Patricia C. Bates (Vice Chair)           (916) 651-4036

Senator Steven Bradford                                  (916) 651-4035

Senator Maria Elena Durazo                            (916) 651-4024

Senator Jerry Hill                                                (916) 651-4013

Senator Brian W. Jones                                     (916) 651-4038

Senator Bob Wieckowski                                  (916) 651-4010

You can also call your Senator directly because they’ll need to hear from you if this bill moves further.  Don’t know your State Senator?  Click here to find out and here’s the link to the Senate roster,

Please take a few minutes to make the call now and ask your state Senator to vote YES on AB 1677.

Sample script:

Hello, my name is _________ and I am a California citizen/constituent and union member.  I’m calling to urge Senator ___________ to support an important bill for Call Center Workers in California, AB 1677.AB 1677 is important to union members and workers across our state because it sends a clear message to large corporations — “keep jobs in California or lose out on taxpayer subsidies!”  Please vote YES on AB 1677

In solidarity,

CWA District 9 Legislative and Political Team

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