Action Alert! It’s time to email your State Senator today about our CWA Priorities!

This legislative session our priorities have been supporting and trying to pass AB 1677 (Call Center bill) that we are sponsoring and AB 1066 (Unemployment Strike Benefit) that we are co-sponsoring. We are also opposing and trying to defeat AB 1366 (VOIP bill). I want to thank everyone of you that have taken action on our CWA Legislative priorities.

Many of you have shown up to numerous committee hearings and have sat for hours to be able to stand up at the mic to take a position. Others have sent emails and made calls.  While some of you have come to the Capitol to personally lobby your legislator and  others have gone to their legislator’s District to lobby. Please know that whatever action you have taken towards our priorities, I am forever grateful and appreciate everything you have done.

We are now headed towards the finish line and need all hands on deck to meet our goals. We need every single CWA member in California to send an email to their Senator. We should have thousands of you participating, because not only is it easy, it’s important! We have drafted the email for you, so no worries about what you need to write.


Now is not the time to let up — we must keep the emails coming to make sure our legislators know that CWA doesn’t back down when it comes to standing up for our values!

Please take a few minutes to write your State Senator and ask them to support AB 1677 and AB 1066 and to OPPOSE AB 1366! Click here to send a letter!

In solidarity and gratitude,

CWA District 9 Legislative and Political Team

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