This is straight from a District 3 bargaining team member and local president. Full blown strike will be called in D3!
Brothers and sisters,
Last week District 3 Vice President Richard Honeycutt was forced to file an Unfair Labor Practice against AT&T for mistreatment of the bargaining team and for not sending decision makers to the table. Because of AT&T’s unfair labor practices, the district has been left with no choice but to call a district wide work stoppage. At midnight tonight all AT&T locals District wide will go on strike. While we are on strike no employee should report to work after midnight, accept call outs, or preform any work for AT&T.
As a concerted effort I am asking all employees to complete their jobs today and drive back to their work centers and leave on time, NO OVERTIME and head to the union hall.
We will have an emergency Local meeting today at 6pm for further information and your attendance is required. The Union has heard from its membership that the time is now to stand up and fight, so there is no going back. I know that there will be hardship, but it will be shared hardship. We must seize the moment to show strength and unity against a company who has always tried to bully its workforce and tried to bully your bargaining team. I ask that at this trying time we show resolve and send a message; that Local 3112 will always be a united leader in protecting workers’ rights.
In Unity,
Johnny Hernandez
President Local 3112
CWA District 3