Unemployment Strike Benefit Bill

Dear Local 9003 Members,

Please see the message from District 9:

We need every single member to help us push AB 1066 (Unemployment Strike Benefit Bill) pass the finish line.  The bill MUST come out of the Senate Floor by tomorrow’s deadline in order to stay alive.  We have some Senators that are wavering and we need all of you to set them straight.  As you all know, this bill is important to California union members because it would provide unemployment benefits to striking workers after the first four weeks of a strike, therefore creating a more level playing field during bargaining between employers and employees. This can come up for a vote any minute so please put this out to your members ASAP!

Please call the State Senators listed  below that are wavering and tell them to vote YES on AB 1066!  If you are a constituent of one of these Senators that even better, but either way, please call and tell them to please vote YES on AB 1066

Senator Jerry Hill                                (916) 651-4013

Senator Cathleen Galgiani                 (916)651- 4005

Senator Ben Hueso                             (916) 651-4040

Senator Anna Caballero                     (916) 651-4012

Senator Bob Archuletta                      (916) 651-4032

Senator Ben Allen                                (916) 651-4026

Sample script:

Hello, my name is _________ and I am a California citizen and CWA union member.  I’m calling to urge Senator ___________ to support an important bill for California union members, AB 1066. AB 1066  would provide unemployment benefits to striking workers after the first four weeks of a strike, therefore creating a more level playing field during bargaining between employers and employees.

We must all participate in this action in order for it to be successful.  This bill should be  extremely important to all of us! Please make that call now!

Thank you for all that you do!

In solidarity,

Liz Sorenson, Area/Political Director

CWA District 9

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