AT&T Bargaining Report #4


February 29, 2020

The Company passed its first Packaged Proposal and had made it clear they have ZERO interest in investing in their employees and our communities. The Company seems to be only interested in investing in themselves and the stockholders; they don’t seem to be serious about reaching a tentative agreement on or before April 4th.

The company’s packaged Proposal contained ZERO upgrades for our members. Take Back after Take Back after Take Back.

Here are examples the passed across the table:

  • No upgrades for Appendix E        -$$$$$$$
  • No upgrades for Appendix A        -$$$$$$$
  • Freeze the pensions contributions             -$$$$$$$
  • Increase medical cost share to 32%          -$$$$$$$
  • Wages increase well below the inflation rate        -$$$$$$$
  • Creative way to move members off payroll and reduce workforce               -$$$$$$$
  • Negative impact to Article 2        -$$$$$$$
  • Zero job security for Prem Techs               -$$$$$$$
  • Cap Article 8 lay off table (which we gave ERB up for)       -$$$$$$$
  • Reduction of suck time   -$$$$$$$
  • Mandatory BAP for all customer interfacing techs             -$$$$$$$

District 9 Members, the Company Is Not Interested in compensating employees for the hard work they do! The Company boasted of their Record Earnings and Profits in 2019. It is Time for AT$T to invest in Us and our Communities.

We are 35 days away from contract expirations, are you ready?

Mobilize $ Mobilize $ Mobilize $ Mobilize $ Mobilize $ Mobilize $ Mobilize $

In Solidarity,

District 9 Bargaining Team

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