What the presidential candidates told CWA



Click Here To See What the Presidential Candidates Have to Say To CWAers  

We asked the 2020 presidential candidates to speak directly to CWAers about issues that matter to us. Check out what they had to say here: CWA.org/2020

Candidates were asked to submit answers to CWA’s questionnaire and send along a short video explaining what they will do as president to build worker power. Not all the candidates responded to our request. We also removed candidates from the page who have dropped out.
We can’t sit on the sidelines in 2020. We must fight to elect candidates who are 100% committed to supporting union members and the issues we care about.

Make sure you’re on the text list to receive regular updates about how we’re working to elect candidates who will fight for us: Text CWA2020 to 69866.

In unity,

Beth Allen
CWA Communications Director

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