AT&T Bargaining Report #5


Your Bargaining Team met with the Company over the past two days and passed realistic proposals in response to the Company’s insult to our members. During this time, your Bargaining Team has also met in sub committees to address the company’s desire to eliminate some very important Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) and Letters of Agreement (LOA) that effect all of our members working conditions; this was a large portion of their retrogressive proposal. We ask that you continue to mobilize in support of your Bargaining Team.

Only 31 days to contract expiration!!!!


In Solidarity,

District 9 Bargaining Team

Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President District 9

Lynn Johnson, Area Director District 9

Art Gonzalez, CWA Local 9511

Jason Hall, CWA Local 9423

John Miller, CWA Local 9421

Lou Mondragon, CWA Local 9416

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