CWA 9003 Leadership Addresses COVID-19

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

You may be asking what your union is doing in these challenging times. With the rapidly evolving coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), your CWA Local 9003 leaders want to assure you that our primary concern is for the health and safety of our members and their families.

Your local leaders are working with employers to ensure that our member’s issues, concerns and fears are being addressed to minimize any negative impact on pay or employment.

This is a very fluid situation with things changing on a daily basis. As such, we want to make certain that we are dealing with facts, not rumors.  Therefore, we will be posting links for the CDC (Center for Disease Control) for current information, ATT HR One Stop (for AT&T employee’s) for their latest policies, forms and announcements, a link for the CWA information page on COVID-19, and a link for Frontier employee’s. Additional links will be posted when we receive them.

We are here alongside you as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic together and are committed to protecting our members and remain available to handle individual scenarios as well as work group concerns. The leadership is dedicated to improving and expanding our capabilities to better keep our membership informed during these trying times.

We understand that COVID-19 is adding additional stress on people’s day to day lives and affecting everything around us.  We are in uncharted waters, but one thing is for certain – WE are ALL in this together as we navigate through these stressful times.

Please continue to work safe, and take care of yourself, your family and loved ones.

In Unity,

CWA 9003 Leadership

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