AT&T West Core Bargaining Report #8


AT&T West Bargaining Bulletin # 8

March 20, 2020

The Bargaining Committee has CONTINUED negotiating with AT&T while adhering to all CDC recommendations (i.e. social distancing). Your Team has worked multiple days, late evenings, in an attempt to reach a tentative agreement. We have seen some movement from the company and we’ll continue pressing forward for a fair contract. We appreciate the well wishes and words of encouragement while we’re away from our families negotiating. As we negotiate, the Team has every Member and their family in their thoughts during this unprecedented time. Please STAY HEALTHY and SAFE while maintaining constant communication for the public we service.

In Solidarity,

District 9 Bargaining Team

Art Gonzalez, CWA Local 9511

Jason Hall, CWA Local 9423

John Miller, CWA Local 9421

Lou Mondragon, CWA Local 9416

Lynn Johnson, Area Director District 9 Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President District 9

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