AT&T West Bargaining Bulletin #9​ March 20th, 2020 – Tentative Agreement



AT&T West Bargaining Bulletin #9

March 20th, 2020

As the sun sets this Friday evening your CWA District 9 bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement that is believed to improve the working standards for all members that are covered within this contract. A special thanks to all the members, district mobilizers, local mobilizers and local officers, that participated in mobilizing activities that helped make this agreement a reality. We have listed the high lights of this agreement below.  

Base Wages:

Increase of 10.75% for all Titles in the West Agreement over the life time of the Contract:

                                              3.0%   effective 4/5/2020

                                              3.0%   effective 4/4/2021

                                              2.25% effective 4/3/2022

                                              2.50% effective 4/2/2023


1.0% increase each year of the agreement to Pension Bands, effective Jan 1 of each year, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


·       Maintained Traditional Healthcare Plan with the cost share of 29% for the term of the agreement. Moved 2009, 2012 & 2016 new hire employees in to the “Current Employee Plan, resulting in lower out of pocket costs for these individuals and families”

·       Kaiser Plan Option retained at the current Cost Share rate of 22%

Appendix E Improvements:

·       Increase Layoff Allowance from 6 weeks to 8 weeks

·       Increase Layoff Notification from 3 weeks to 4 weeks

·       Eliminate Split Workdays

·       AUTs access increased for laid off employees from 12 months to 18 months

·       Priority Rehire to ANY title in the CBA

·       Overtime list provided monthly to the CWA Locals

Other Improvements:

·       Improvements to the VBS Process (Article 2)

·       Secured 100 jobs to be placed in AUTS for California/Nevada

·       Added Nanodegrees to tuition aid

·       Clarification letter for documentation MOA

·       Enhanced relocation benefits

·       Meal Allowance increase from $9.00 to $10.00


·       Success Sharing Plan, 401K Plan, ALL overtime provisions, Neutrality, card check and successor ship language, Pooling of Titles MOA,

In Solidarity,

District 9 Bargaining Team

Art Gonzalez, CWA Local 9511

Jason Hall, CWA Local 9423

John Miller, CWA Local 9421

Lou Mondragon, CWA Local 9416

Lynn Johnson, Area Director District 9

Domonique Thomas, Assistant to the Vice President District 9

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