Garcetti orders employees, customers of LA non-medical essential businesses to wear masks

Employees and customers at businesses in Los Angeles that are remaining open to the public during the coronavirus pandemic will be required to wear masks while in the business, Mayor Eric Garcetti said.

Garcetti is signing an executive order to take effect Friday requiring employees at non-medical businesses such as grocery stores, taxis, hotels, restaurants and others that remain open to wear cloth face coverings over their mouths and noses while at work.

Employers will be required to provide the masks or reimburse employees who buy their own.

Customers at those businesses will also be required to wear face coverings while at the business.

“You will need to cover your face,” Garcetti said. “If you’re not covering your face by Friday morning, an essential business can refuse you service.”

The city could start issuing tickets for those who do not comply with the order.

Garcetti said he is also encouraging businesses to install plexiglass barriers to separate customers from employees.

Businesses must also make sure employees have access to clean, sanitized restrooms with soap and sanitizer, allowing them to wash their hands every 30 minutes.

Garcetti is working with the City of Long Beach and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and to make the measure a county-wide order.

Even stricter rules are in place in San Bernardino County where anyone leaving their house must cover their face. If someone disobeys the order, it is considered a crime under health and safety code. People will be subject to fines and even misdemeanors charges.

The City of Carson also moved to require residents within city limits to wear masks when going outside.

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