AT&T Contract Explanation Questions

AT&T Contract Explanation Questions

Via Zoom

Thursday, April 16, 2020


1.With the Retro Active Wage increase, will it include the 20% increase?

Yes, the 20% will be applied to the Retro, including OT payments.

2. Can Appendix E Employees bid on Leverage Rep Jobs?

Any employee in any title can voluntarily bid on any job opening that is in AUTS (Automated Upgrade and Transfer System).

3.Did we keep the lump sum benefit in this tentative agreement?


4. BCB2, how does it apply to our 2009 DTV Premises Technicians?

The 2009 Prem Tech (DTV) will continue to have the BCB2 option that was available to them in the 2016 CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement).

5. What does the acronym ‘ONA’ stand for?

Out of Network Area.

6. Does the additional monthly healthcare cost for a working spouse and/or tobacco use apply to Retiree premiums?

No, the tobacco use does not apply to Retirees.

7. What is the difference between ‘Non-Network’ and ‘Out of Network’ (ONA)’? 

Out of Network Area (ONA) is when there are no providers in your area. Non-Network is if you choose a provider that is out of your network area.

8. With the limited number of paper contract books available, will the Local provide copies of the new contract for those that want a paper copy and do not get a hard copy?

Yes. We will print out hard copies for those that want them.

9. How are DTV Premises Technicians who are let go, going to bid on a job without the proper skill codes, when the company will not train them?

The Premises Technicians can only put in the skill codes that they have. Local 9003 is consistently fighting to get all Premises Technicians cross trained to level the playing field.

10. Was the 14 hours mandatory overtime cap in Appendix E at least brought up?

Yes, it was, but there were no changes to the mandatory overtime cap.

11. Are there any changes to the BAP (Bradded Apparel Program)?


AT&T Contract Explanation Questions

Via Zoom

Monday, April 20, 2020


1. Does the healthcare deductions get drafted once or twice a month on our paycheck? For instance, is the $350 (or whatever the total amount is) drafted all at once or split between paychecks?

The healthcare deductions are split; half is taken out of each paycheck. If a month has three paychecks in it, there is nothing taken out for medical in that third paycheck.

2. In previous years, if I had the PPO Option 1 and did not respond to the annual Open Enrollment, I was automatically moved to Option 2. Is this still true or has this been resolved?

We have escalated this question and are awaiting a response.

3. Does a person who chooses to leave the business on an ESB, still have the choice of Option 1 or Option 2? 

Yes. Prior to any declaration of a surplus, employees will be offered an ESB (Enhanced Severance Benefit). An ESB is inclusive of two options – Option one is ESRO (Enhanced Surplus Reduction Offer) which is $25,000 and separation benefits which are based on your years of service.  The separation benefits max out at 53 weeks of pay. The second option is the layoff table, which is described in Article 8, Section 8.01C.  This option is also based on your years of service, with no cap. This second option is 60 weeks of pay for 20 years of service plus 4 years of pay for each additional completed year of service.

 If an employee is offered a VSB, (Voluntary Separation Benefits), example: an employee signs up to voluntarily leave the company and the company matches a surplus employee to them – that VSB payout is $25,000 plus separation benefits which max out at 53 weeks.

4. How many years of service puts you in Appendix E?

Whether or not you are in Appendix E is not determined by your years of service. It is title specific.

5. How many years of service gains the additional 2 weeks in the layoff table for Appendix E?

The current contract maxes out at 6 weeks of pay for employees who are laid off with 96 months or more service. This tentative agreement maxes out at 8 weeks, broken down as follows:

  • Employees with 96 – 120 months of service receive 6 weeks of pay.
  • Employees with 121 – 144 months of service receive 7 weeks of pay.
  • Employees with 145 months or more receive 8 weeks of pay.

6. Is the COBC documentation clarification letter for all titles and Appendices in the Contract or only Appendix A?

The COBC (Code of Business Conduct) documentation letter applies to Appendix E as well as Appendix A.

7. Are there any changes to the monitoring MOA (Memorandum of Agreement)?


Once we receive the additional answers to the above questions, we will post those answers on our social media.

If you have any additional contractual questions, please e-mail them to:


Reminder! Ratification Ballots will be mailed out to all members on Monday, April 27th. They must be returned and received by Friday, May 15, 2020. Ballots will be counted on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.

In Unity,


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