AT&T Clarification

There have been additional questions from our members as to what the process will look like if there aren’t enough volunteers leaving from the AFO (MST) organization and the company looks to the other organizations (Splicing Technicians inclusive of the Construction and Engineering and DEG organizations, Specials aka Systems Technicians I&R, Communications Technicians or Facilities Technicians) for volunteers to take the current ESRO buyout offer.  

This would be the round 2, 3 and 4 described in the MOA – Memorandum of agreement (MOA 20-21A). 

Number 5 of the MOA reads as follows: 

  1.  If additional ESRO offers are made to the certain titles list above, the selection process will be as follows:

i. Splicing Technicians (inclusive of the Construction & Engineering and DEG organizations)

ii. Systems Technicians I&R

iii. Communications Technicians and Facilities Technicians

All offers will be made based on the CHQ and seniority 

Note: CHQ stands for consolidated headquarters. 

In order for someone outside of the AFO organization to leave the business, (Splicing Technicians inclusive of the Construction and Engineering and DEG organizations, Specials – aka Systems Techs I&R, Communications Technicians or Facilities Technicians), there must be a backfill. 

The question being asked is this:

Will the company force someone from the AFO organization to  backfill for a loss in another organization (Splicing Technicians inclusive of the Construction and Engineering and DEG organizations, Specials – aka Systems Technicians I&R, Communications Technicians or Facilities Technicians)?  

Or, if there are no volunteers, will the company simply tell the employee who is wanting to leave from another organization (Splicing Technicians inclusive of the Construction and Engineering and DEG organizations, Specials – aka Systems Technicians I&R, Communications Technicians or Facilities Technicians) that, since there are no volunteers, they cannot leave the business?

We are awaiting the results from the round one canvass (the AFO organization) and will then meet with management to discuss the next steps.  We should have additional information next week.  Once we have concrete answers to these questions, we will post that information on our Facebook and website pages. 

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