Tell Congress: Save Our Jobs!

Passenger service agents and other aviation workers are on the front lines of an unprecedented crisis for the airline industry caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Take action today to urge your Representatives and Senators to extend the payroll support program for aviation workers in the CARES Act.

After airline and other front line workers mobilized in March, Congress passed the CARES Act to keep employees on payroll with wages and benefits. Now the program is set to expire in October even though the crisis isn’t over. If Congress doesn’t take action soon, mass layoffs in the aviation industry are inevitable. Every passenger service employee must make their voices heard to save our jobs.

Take action today to urge your Representatives and Senators to extend the payroll support program for aviation workers in the CARES Act.

It will only take a minute to make your voice heard. Click here to send a letter to Congress telling them to extend the CARES Act Payroll Support Program through March 2021 to protect hundreds of thousands of aviation jobs.

In unity,

CWA Agents

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