We Can’t Stop Now! Raise Your Voice to Save Our Jobs!

I know we’ve asked you before to call your Senators and tell them to extend the Payroll Support Program in the CARES Act. It’s because your calls and messages are making a difference. Sixteen Republican Senators recently signed onto a letter supporting our demands. But Congress adjourned last week without reaching a deal to save tens of thousands of jobs in the aviation industry.

Negotiations are continuing behind the scenes though. So, we’re asking you again: will you make the call to your Senator today? It only takes a few minutes, and we’ll patch you through to your Senator’s line if you click on the link. Call every single day if you can.

Click here to call your Senators.

Congress passed the CARES Act in March to keep workers on payroll with wages and benefits. Now the program is set to expire at the end of next month even though this unprecedented health and economic crisis is far from over. If Congress doesn’t reach a deal, mass layoffs in the aviation industry are inevitable.

So, we’re urging you, again, to call your Senators today and every day until they reach a deal. Tell them to extend the Payroll Support Program in the CARES Act through March 2021 to protect tens of thousands of aviation jobs.

In unity,

CWA Agents

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