CWA 9003 joins other union activists and a cast of Hollywood stars to show their support and rally for WGA & SAG/AFTRA members in their ongoing labor disputes!
Bargaining Update
CWA 9003 joins other union activists and a cast of Hollywood stars to show their support and rally for WGA & SAG/AFTRA members in their ongoing labor disputes!
CWA’s Joint Steward Conference – CWA’s Northern California Nevada Council (NCNC), Coastal Valley Council (CVC) and Southern California Council (SCC) at the Holiday Inn, Sacramento, CA – August 13, 2023
It’s that time again for the General Election of the Officers and Executive Board members for CWA Local 9003!
Nominations will take place at the upcoming September 20th Membership meeting which will be held via Zoom.
Notice of nominations was sent … Read the rest “NOMINATION NOTICE”